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Ian Morrison, Director of Corporate Programs
I(SM)2 serves to catalyze regional and national collaborations and develop and disseminate tools and principles of soft matter synthesis, protocols for processing, and techniques metrology. I(SM)2 suc
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Richard G. Weiss
The Weiss group studies mechanistic photochemistry and photophysics, mechanisms of reactions, and nuclear magnetic resonance in aligning media, gels, ionic liquids, polymers, and liquid crystals. The
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Edward Van Keuren
Work in the Van Keuren lab is focused on the study of the nucleation and growth of nanoparticles in solution. They use precipitation methods to induce a high level of supersaturation in a solution and
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Steven J. Metallo
Natively unstructured or intrinsically disordered (ID) proteins are common in eukaryotes. Proteins with ID regions are often associated with regulatory and signaling pathways in higher organisms and h
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Miklos Kertesz
The Kertesz group is interested in computational modeling of unusual intermolecular interactions. These studies involve for example secondary bonds as utilized in the design of molecular actuators, an
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Jong-In Hahm
The Hahm group develops block copolymer-assisted protein arrays, featuring high protein density and functionality, using various self-assembled nanodomains in ultrathin diblock copolymer thin films fo
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David Egolf
The Egolf group performs computational and theoretical research focused on the dynamical and statistical properties of systems maintained far-from-equilibrium. Of particular interest are granular sys
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Daniel Blair
In the Blair-lab we are investigating the structure and mechanical properties of soft and biological materials. These materials are often found in disordered and geometrically frustrated configuration
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Jeff Urbach, Director
Researchers in Urbach Lab are investigating complex dynamics in a variety of systems, ranging from complex suspensions to biopolymer networks to migrating neurons. Using the techniques of statistical
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Shared Facilities
The ISM is in Regents Hall, a purpose-built science building that opened in 2012. We have established a shared facility dedicated to soft matter research, and we welcome industrial and academic re
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