Archive: News Story
Prof. Jeff Urbach on Podcast with Provost Groves
As part of the Provost's Podcast: Faculty in Research, Prof. Jeff Urbach discussed his love of physics and his career in science with Provost Robert Groves. Listen to their conversation: http://appl
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Professor Daniel Blair and co-workers investigate viscosity of active microtubules
In an article titled “Shear-Induced Gelation of Self-Yielding Active Networks”, recently published in Physical Review Letters, postdoctoral researchers David Gagnon and Claudia Dessi, Professor Daniel Blair, and their collaborators studied the rheology of microtubule-based active materials.
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Pancake bonding pulls conjugated pi-radicals together to short maximum overlap configurations
How do molecules stick together to form electronic conducting pathways? One mechanism for generating parallel pi-stacking geometry with maximum orbital overlap is obtained in a form of multicenter el
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Physics Graduate students present posters at the Materials Research Society conference in Boston, MA
Graduate students Scott Melis and Eleni Hughes recently presented posters at the 2019 Materials Research Society conference in Boston, MA.
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Prof. Daniel Blair gives McGroddy Frontiers in Science Seminar
Prof. Daniel Blair gave a McGroddy Frontiers in Science Seminar at St. Joseph’s University on “From self-yielding to solidification: How extensile active gels tune their response to shear”. The Fr
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Prof. Van Keuren Receives Two New NIH Grants
Prof. Ed Van Keuren has recently received two new grants from the National Institutes of Health. One is for the development of nanoparticles of a novel copolymer to treat acute kidney injury. Thi
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Prof. Hahm co-wrote an ACS Nano VI editorial, ‘Women in Nanotechnology: Toward Better Materials through Better Understanding of Low-Dimensional Systems’ with Prof. Ana de Bettencourt-Dias.
Prof. Hahm co-wrote an ACS Nano VI editorial, ‘Women in Nanotechnology: Toward Better Materials through Better Understanding of Low-Dimensional Systems’ with Prof. Ana de Bettencourt-Dias. The e
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Prof. Richard Weiss Presented with “Medal of Honor” by the Brazilian Chemical Society
Prof. Weiss was an invited plenary lecture at the 41st Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Chemical Society, Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná, Brazil. During the meeting, Prof. Weiss was presented with the Jour
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Prof. Richard Weiss to present at 41st. SBQ Annual Meeting and receive a JBCS tribute
Prof. Richard Weiss has been invited to present at the 41st. SBQ Annual Meeting, which will be held from May 21 to 24, in Foz do Iguaçu. Prof. Weiss will also receive a Journal of the Brazilian C
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Prof. Van Keuren’s Visit to Japan and Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials (IMRAM) at Tohoku University in Sendai
During his sabbatical, Prof. Van Keuren visited Japan during March and April, working most of that time in the group of Prof. Hidetoshi Oikawa in the Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for A
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