Recent Events
Jan 19, 2018, 11 am

Robert Cohn, Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; Director of ElectroOptics Research Institute and Nanotechnology Center (ERINC), University of Louisville My group…
Location: Regents Hall
Feb 21, 2018, 11 am

Soft Matter Seminar: Biopolymer Function from geometric incompatibility
Ajay Gopinathan, Professor of Physics, Director, NSF-CREST Filamentous protein biopolymers are a fundamental biomaterial involved in a variety of critical cellular processes…
Location: Reiss Science Building
May 7, 2018, 11 am

Twenty years with Intrinsically Disordered (“Unstructured”) Proteins Prof. Kyou-Hoon Han, Distinguished Research Fellow, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology Intrinsically Disordered Proteins (IDPs) are highly unorthodox…
Location: Regents Hall
Jul 16, 2018, 2 pm

Soft Matter Seminar: How salts can influence the structuredness of organic solvents: the curious case of glycerol carbonate
Pierandrea Lo Nostro, Department of Chemistry “Ugo Schiff”, University of Florence, Italy Glycerol carbonate (GC) is a dense, viscous, water-soluble solvent (see left panel…
Location: Reiss Science Building
Jul 20, 2018, 2 pm

Soft Matter Seminar: Phase behaviour and sequential gelation of soft thermoresponsive colloids
Jasper Immink, MSc, Ph.D. student, Physical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Lund University Abstract: Thermoresponsive colloidal microgels allows for in-situ manipulation of…
Location: Regents Hall
Sep 17, 2018, 11 am

Soft Matter Seminar: How rods give structure to fluids and how structure is distorted by flow
Pavlik Lettinga, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Institute of Complex Systems The most effective way to structure a fluid is by immersing slender rods, as rods have a huge…
Location: Regents Hall
Oct 11, 2018, 11:30am

Soft Matter Seminar: Bacterial surface motility and biofilm formation strategies in a motile and non-motile bacterium
Dr. Andrew S. Utada, Ph. D. Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba Bacteria in the environment exist either as individual, planktonic cells or as…
Location: Regents Hall
Nov 2, 2018, 11 am

Soft Matter Seminar: Nanoparticle Composites from Cellulose, Wool, Hair and Chicken Feathers: Synthesis and Applications for Purifying Drinking Water and Healing Infected Wounds
Prof. Chieu Tran, Department of Chemistry, Marquette University A novel and facile method has been developed for the synthesis of composite materials from polysaccharides…
Location: Regents Hall