NIST Professional Research Experience Program (PREP) Job Opportunities

Job opportunities for the GU/NIST PREP program will be posted here.

  • If you are interested in one of these positions, please send an email with the subject “Job Enquiry PREP000XXXX” to, where PREP000XXXX is the job number noted below.
  • Please send your CV and a short cover letter explaining your suitability for the position.
  • Please combine your documents into a single document in PDF format.
  1. PREP0002943 –  Research Software Engineer (Post-Doc) Download information here (Posted 17 Dec 2024)
  2. PREP0002943 –  Nanocalorimetry for Semiconductors and Semiconductor Process Metrology and Powder Diffraction SRM Development (Post-Doc) Download information here (Posted 10 Dec 2024)
  3. PREP0002892 –  Rapid surface particle-, and impurity detection and quantification at a wafer scale (Post-Doc) Download information here (Posted 5 Nov 2024)
  4. PREP0002865 –  Senior Materials Modeler – High-Precision Materials Property Databases Development (Post-Doc) Download information here (Posted 24 September 2024)
  5. PREP0002758 –  Shear Induced Suppression of Crystallization (Post-Doc) Download information here (Posted 28 August 2024)
  6. PREP0002679 –  Sensing and Perception Systems Group (Post-Bac) Download information here (Posted 5 August 2024)
  7. PREP0002652 – Engineering Technician – Robotic Perception (Post-Bac) Download information here (Posted 5 August 2024)
  8. PREP0002689 – Perception performance of Robotic Systems Project (Post-Bac) Download information here (Posted 30 July 2024)
  9. PREP0002432Sustainbility-Resilience Framework Fellow (Graduate Student) Download information here (Posted 3 May 2024)
  10. PREP0002174PREP Research Associate CHIPS Funded Project in the Policy & Integration Office (Undergraduate student). Download information here. (Posted 15 February 2024)
  11. PREP0002150 – Perception Performance of Robotic Systems (Post-Bachelor, Post-Master or Graduate Student). Download information here. (Posted 6 February 2024)

Filled or Dormant Positions

  1. PREP0001851 Circular Economy of Plastics (Post-Doc). (Posted 17 September 2023)
  2. PREP0002385PREP Research Associate Synthetic Biology Technician (Post-Master). (Posted 17 April 2024)
  3. PREP0002567 – Post Doc Research Associate in Fire Metrology (Post-Doc) (Posted 10 June 2024)
  4. PREP0002571 –  Development of High-Sensitivity IR Spectroscopy for Proteins and Gene Delivery Systems (Post-Doc) (Posted 13 June 2024)
  5. PREP0002596 –  Nanocalorimetry for Semiconductors and Semiconductor Process Metrology (Post-Doc) (Posted 5 August 2024)
  6. PREP0002678 –  Post Doctoral Research Assistant in  Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy  (Post-Doc) (Posted 5 August 2024)
  7. PREP0002745 – Evaluation of 3D sensors for automation applications (SURF/EXT) (Undergrad Student) (Posted 15 August 2024)
  8. PREP0002613 – Non-targeted analysis of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (Graduate Student) (Posted 23 August 2024) 
  9. PREP0002716 –  Bayesian Statistical Methods for Applications in Metrology (Post-Doc) (Posted 2 August 2024)
  10. PREP0002533 – IR Imaging Analysis of Micro/Nanoplastics and Polymer Films (Post-Doc) (Posted 7 June 2024)
  11. PREP0002403Thermal Magnetic Levitation-Based Density Characterization for Plastics Recycling (Post-Doc). (Posted 23 April 2024)
  12. PREP0002709–  Web Content & Analytics Associate (Post-Bac) (Posted 1 August 2024)
  13. PREP0002598 – Empirical Analysis of Emerging Technologies for 5G/6G RAN Intelligent Control (Post-Doc) (Posted 10 July 2024)
  14. PREP0002324Bayesian Statistical Methods for Applications in Metrology (Post-Doc). (Posted 25 March 2024)
  15. PREP0002663 – Carbon Nanotube Processing and Separations Research (Post-Doc)  (Posted 29 July 2024)
  16. PREP0002433 – Advancing Power Electronics with Defect Metrology (Post-Doc) (Posted 13 June 2024)
  17. PREP0002384PREP Research Associate Automation Technician (Post-Bachelor). (Posted 17 April 2024)
  18. PREP0002587Perception performance of Robotic Systems Project (Post-Doc)(Posted 30 July 2024)
  19. PREP0002398Supply Chain Traceability (Post-Doc). (Posted 19 April 2024)
  20. PREP0002388Fast IR Measurement of Cure Kinetics of Advanced Packaging Polymers (Post-Doc). (Posted 17 April 2024)
  21. PREP0001953Postdoctoral Research Associate in Photonics science & Technology (Post-Doc). (Posted 15 February 2024)
  22. PREP0002160PREP Research Associate (Research Faculty). (Posted 7 February 2024)
  23. PREP0001952 Orthogonal Strain Rheology Measurements (Post-Doc). (Posted 5 Nov 2023)
  24. PREP0001852 Digital Image Processing for Measuring Solar Panel Degradation (Post-Bac or Graduate Student). (Posted 17 September 2023)
  25. PREP0001777 Enhancing Building Applications and Analytics Through Semantic Standards (Post-Bac) (Posted 24 August 2023)
  26. PREP0001718 Research and Applications in Statistical Metrology (Post-Doc). (Posted 24 August 2023)
  27. PREP0001716 Research and Applications in Statistical Metrology (Part Time Academic Affiliate). (Posted 24 August 2023)
  28. PREP0001741 Cost-Effective Resource Allocation Strategies for Community Resilience (Post-bac). (Posted 14 August 2023)
  29. PREP0001663 Premise Plumbing Systems for High-Performance Buildings (Post-Doc). (Posted 23 July 2023)
  30. PREP0001642 Automation-based methods for measurement infrastructures in engineering biology (Post-Doc). (Posted 23 July 2023)
  31. PREP0001609 Front-End Web Developer. (Masters Degree). (Posted 2 July 2023)
  32. PREP0001564 Resilience/Sustainability Research. (Post-Doc). (Posted 15 June 2023)
  33. PREP0001531 AV Perception: Test and evaluation of Perception sensors for Automated vehicles (post-Bachelor or post-Master). (Posted 12 June 2023)
  34. PREP0001118 Modeling of building fires (Post-doc). (Posted 7 May 2023)
  35. PREP0001104 – Assistance with the Rapid Drug Analysis and Research (RaDAR) Program and Seized Drug Interlaboratory Studies (Masters Degree). (Posted 7 May 2023)
  36. PREP0001558 Combined DSC-Raman of Polymer Recyclates. (Post-Doc). (Posted 14 June 2023)
  37. PREP0001270 Front-End Web Developer (Bachelor’s Degree). (Posted 2 July 2023)
  38. PREP0001396 Research Associate in Cybersecurity. (Graduate Student) (Posted 2 July 2023)
  39. PREP0001480 Wildland Urban Interface Fires – Case Studies and National Data (Bachelor’s Degree). (Posted 26 May 2023)
  40. PREP0001488 Life Cycle Analysis for a More Sustainable and Circular Economy (Post-doc). Posted 26 May 2023)
  41. PREP0001504 Exposure of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) from firefighter’s Gear and Workplace Environment (Post-Doc). (Posted 1 June 2023)
  42. PREP0001542 Decision Science for a Sustainable, Resilient, Circular Economy. (Post-Doc). (Posted 12 June 2023)
  43. PREP0001192 – Raman Scattering During Plastics Recycling (Post-doc). (Posted 7 May 2023).
  44. PREP0001417 Enhanced Infrared Classification of Post-Consumer Resins through Multimodal Measurement Correlations (Post-Doc). (Posted 16 May 2023)
  45. PREP0001720 Research and Applications in Statistical Metrology (Full Time Academic Affiliate). (Posted 24 August 2023)
  46. PREP0001717 Research and Applications in Statistical Metrology (Graduate student). (Posted 24 August 2023)
  47. PREP0001863 Exposure of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) from firefighter’s gear and workplace environment (Post-Doc). (Posted 26 September 2023)