3D Printing in Cement-Based Construction

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A new publication from the Del Gado group entitled “3D printing had untapped potential for climate mitigation in the cement sector” was recently published in Communications Engineering. The article was authored by Ankita Gangotra, a postdoctoral research fellow in the School of Foreign Service and the Department of Physics, with Associate Professor Joanna Lewis in the School of Foreign Service and Professor Emanuela Del Gado of the Department of Physics and ISMSM. Cement-based construction 3D printing is a rising technology with use and advantages in a wide range of applications. Importantly, it has the potential to limit greenhouse gas emissions, which is a major concern in producing and employing cement products. The publication outlines the benefits of cement-based construction 3D printing and outlines steps for moving forward and combining manufacturing strategies, policy, and research. 

For more information, visit the Georgetown College website.